Working moms – ah, it all sounds so modern, so awesome, and it is. But one thing you should not mistake it to be is easy because it’s not. What it means to be a working mom is to commit yourself fully to taking care of your family while handling all the responsibilities that your position at work requires at the same time. Yes, it is rewarding, but it can be exhausting, too. 

If you’re questioning yourself if it is indeed possible to juggle parenting and working and still excel at both, know that you are not the only one. That said, you should also know that there are things that you can do to find a balance so you can handle both responsibilities without stretching yourself too thin:

Let Go of That Guilt You’re Feeling

As a mother, you know that one of your most significant roles is to take care of your children as they grow up, supervise them and prepare them for their life ahead. So when you work full-time, you might feel guilty because you feel like you’re abandoning your kids, or you’re worried that people are judging you for making that choice. The thing is, they don’t think that way when fathers go and provide for the family. Why should it be different for mothers?

It is essential that you, yourself, understand that you have reasons for working – whether you need to or you want to, and you shouldn’t feel guilty about it. 

Learn Some Time-Saving Hacks 

If you want to get everything done, you need to develop a plan on how you can tackle your tasks in the most efficient manner. For instance, instead of spending a couple of hours on a grocery run, you should consider ordering online and picking them up or, better yet, having them delivered. 

You can also meal prep on Sunday nights, so instead of spending 30 minutes to an hour cooking dinner, you can heat your meals in the microwave for a few minutes. The time you saved can be used to help your kids with their homework, to catch up with them, or to do some cleaning. You should also consider preparing everyone’s outfits and lunches at night so mornings can be enjoyed without rushing too much. 

Find a Trustworthy Daycare, Nanny, or Babysitter

Depending on the age of your children, you may have to look into daycare centers in your area or look for a nanny to take care of them while you’re at work. It’s important that you have a strict screening method. After all, you want to have peace of mind knowing that you are leaving your kids with someone you can trust. 

If you’re opting for a daycare center, it would be better if you can find one that offers flexible hours, has a clean and safe facility, updated licenses, and preferably a low teacher-to-child ratio, too. 

Minimize Distractions

When you are a mom, and you’re working at the same time, it seems like the one thing you’re always running out of is time. But you might not be aware that you’re wasting precious time on things that are not that meaningful. The thirty minutes you spend on social media platforms may be better spent on tasks you need to do anyway, so you’ll finish your work sooner.

When you’re home, try to keep your use of gadgets at a minimum so you can truly focus on your family. 


These are just some things that you can do to make things easier for you as a working mom. Balancing work and family is no easy feat, but it’s doable. It might take some getting used to, and there certainly will be times when you’ll feel stressed and tired. That’s okay. Get some rest when you need to, and don’t feel guilty when you take care of yourself, too! 

Are you looking for more helpful tips for mothers? The Lohrah Twins Lifestyle Blog is one of the best mom blogs you’ll find today. Check out more of the tips, tricks, and some adventures of this mom!

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