Homemade Pepper Sauce

This was my first time attempting to make pepper sauce. My neighbour stocked us up with three bags of chili peppers from his garden and there was no way we could get through all of that pepper before they started spoiling. Homemade pepper sauce is made with a combination of hot peppers. I used chilis and miwiris (wiri wiri). I’m sure scotch bonnets and jalapenos can work just as well. If you have mangoes, they can be added as well.

homemade pepper sauce
homemade pepper sauce
Combined ingredients in blender
homemade pepper sauce
Blended pepper


2 cups of chili peppers

½ cup miwiri peppers

1 head of garlic

1 onion

1 cup vinegar

1 tablespoon salt


Combine all the ingredients in a blender. Blend for about 1 minute for about 15 seconds at a time. Once completed. Pour into a container and store in the fridge. Use a clean spoon every time you remove pepper sauce from the bottle.

Prep time 10 minutes

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