September was more anxious than I was, and it showed up earlier than I calculated. But now that she is here, we have to accept the things that the month brings, and that’s a change in season, a drop in temperature, and school – not just school but in-person school. In my last post, I highlighted how unprepared I was to get the kids’ school supplies together. However, I am happy to report that with about 48 hours to spare; I pulled off what seemed like an impossible task.

In-Person School Begins….yasssss

Yesterday was the beginning of a new school year. After two years, my husband and I are now comfortable sending the kids back to school. My two older children have had the joy of in-person school, but my two youngest have not. On Monday evening, the twins were bouncing off the wall; they were overtly excited. What’s funny is before the pandemic, they had attended daycare for about six months, and I know they loved it, but I don’t think they would have remembered much about it. They were the first up in the house, rushing me to get breakfast and their lunch bags packed. They cooperated with me for the first five photos, and their smiles turned to frowns because they just wanted to get to school.

in-person school
Customary First Day Of School Photo

A Mini-Reunion

We walked all four of the children to school and identified their classes. It was a reunion for my older children with their friends. Eli has gotten a lot taller, and his hair is different. He now sports an afro. Anayah has not yet made the jump, and she is a little self-conscious about it. She kept pointing out how tall her friends have gotten. I was a little worried about her. I saw her alone under a tree when I passed the school at recess. It was worrying, I tried calling her, but of course, they are not allowed to answer their phones at school, and rightfully so. When I got her from school, she said her friends were talking to someone else, and she was waiting; that was comforting.

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Walking the kids to school

The Girls Love In-Person School….Prayers Answered!!!!

When we arrived at school, Shiloh and Zarah walked off with their teacher with no trouble. I’ve heard of that teacher before, but none of my older children were in her class. Another parent assured us she is outstanding and firm. That is what we were hoping for, and we are over the moon that is what we got. I emailed the teacher about having them placed at separate tables before the school year started since they were not in different classrooms. They waved goodbye and bravely walked into their classes. 

When we got them in the afternoon, their mouths were moving faster than they could deliver their words. They had a fun day doing sight words, writing their names, and making friends. They hugged everyone in sight; it was fun to hear and see. It was evident that in-person school was missing in the twins’ life. They are social butterflies, and online school was fine for the first week, but after that, they checked out.

The Afternoon Pickup

Anayah blossomed during the online experiment, Eli was so-so, and the twins struggled. They are happy to be back to in-person school, and I am so glad they are back. I now have more time during the day, but many other shelved projects are eyeballing me. They are vying for my attention, so I must get to them. Were your children excited to get back to school? Share in the comments below.

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