Being a mother often means being a superhero who can do almost anything and everything. And although we are likely to be the most competent group of people, this doesn’t mean that we’re completely immune to stress. In fact, it’s arguable that we’re more prone to it.

Parenting can be difficult as it is, but pairing that with having to deal with financial insecurities, personal worries, and little time can get a little overwhelming. Some moms handle stress very differently, with some becoming a little more cranky and insensitive towards their loved ones. Properly managing those emotions is a must, and here are a few tips that may help:

1) Spot the Signs

Moms often don’t realize that they’re stressed or how they negatively react to it unless everything just blows over. You don’t want your partner or your kids to be a casualty of your anger, though, and it can be detrimental to your health as is. Try to observe yourself and see when you start to become more irritable. Communicate with your family and seek feedback too.

2) Prepare Solutions

There can be certain things that can start to tick you off and instantly stress you. It’s important for moms to gather themselves before reaching that boiling point to prepare some solutions for those problems. For example, if you find yourself frantic because your kid stresses over what to bring and wear to school, decide for them the night before and lay out their things. 

3) Practice Breathing Exercises

Some parents might scoff at this, but learning some deep breathing can really help in relaxing the body and keeping the tension from stress away. Slow and deep breaths can be incredibly helpful when done repeatedly. You can also couple these breathing exercises with a bit of meditation and prayer for some peace of mind.

4) Give Yourself a Few Minutes

Mothers are practically on duty 24/7 to tend to their kids, but everyone needs a break once in a while. Apart from proper sleep, just take a couple of minutes to yourself and let your partner take over. Just 10 minutes of being alone would be enough for you to collect yourself. On tougher days when time is a luxury, maybe just pick one or two songs to soothe yourself.

5) Remember To Treat Yourself

Giving yourself your favourite snack or sweets can be underrated, but that small reward can keep you motivated throughout your motherly responsibilities. Don’t forget to treat yourself for getting through the morning, afternoon and so on.

6) Take Up Some Activities

Exercise is recommended to so many moms because of how it can help in relieving any pent-up stress that you have. Taking a leisurely walk or bike around the block can be great, and you can get your kids involved too.

7) Do Something That Brings Joy

Smiling and laughing can often remove the stress a little bit for everyone, and moms should take some time to do so too. Whether the activity is watching a show or getting into a tickle fight with your children, just indulge in something fun.

8) Find A Friend

Moms may develop some stress because they’re unable to share or relate their experiences with other people. Forming some healthy friendships and looking for a support group with like-minded moms can help in destressing.


Stress may not be something that ever goes away, as moms will worry and handle every problem that comes their family’s way. However, once you’ve got stress management down, you’ll surely be more invincible as your kids praise you for being the best mom in the world.

Looking for mom blogs that offer more tips like this? The Lohrah Twins is a mom-run lifestyle blog offering advice pieces on all things family, entrepreneur and more. Start reading today!

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