Virtual Kindergarten: What We Expected vs What we Are Getting

Virtual kindergarten is like nothing you have ever experienced. Picture this: two to three teachers trying to keep about 20 children ages 4 and 5 engaged for three hours daily. We were unsure of what to expect initially, but it is working out much better than we expected. I applaud the teachers that made that brave decision to accept this undertaking.

Shiloh and Zarah are Progressing Well

I had successfully brought Eli and Anayah up to speed with the basics they needed before they started kindergarten, but with the twins, not so much. Sometimes I wonder if I had approached things with the mindset that they’re twins and it’ll be more challenging, or it is indeed more difficult. I don’t know, but most mornings, I wake up thinking, “will today be the day I throw in the towel and wait for in-person school in September 2022?” and then something incredible happens. The teacher asks the twins a question, and they respond perfectly. I sit there feeling so proud and fighting back all the ugly tears. The girls are now happy to practice writing all of their letters, they’re over the moon to use their workbooks, and I am super excited. I never doubted their abilities, but in my over-achieving mind, I didn’t think I was doing enough.

Virtual Kindergarten: What We Expected vs What We Are Getting
Art Work
Virtual Kindergarten: What We Expected vs What We Are Getting
Practicing Writing
Virtual Kindergarten: What We Expected vs What We Are Getting
2D Shapes
Virtual Kindergarten: What We Expected vs What We Are Getting
3D Shapes

Milestones and Pressure

As parents, we want the best for our children, and we put all the unnecessary pressures of milestones and percentiles on our children and ourselves. Listen, each child is different, they learn differently, and blossom differently. Eli was always the child who always showed interest and fought me the least. Anayah started to blossom in grade 3, and she is flourishing in grade 4. I was so worried about her but look at her now. Last year she was lucky to get an exceptional teacher, and it is as if he left breadcrumbs because this year, again, her teacher is outstanding. The twins are just four years old; they have miles to go, and they, too, have excellent teachers.

Their favourite part of school is the Science Experiments.

Developing More Patience

So now, I sit in class with them and try to help them with as much patience as I can afford. When I am patient, they make fewer mistakes. When I am tense, they are on edge and make the most mistakes. It’s a learning experience for all of us, and we are all trying our best. When I approach each day with this attitude, the day goes by faster. So what if they count to 10 and then 13, 15, 17, 8. That’s ok; it just means they have not had enough practice yet. It’s as if I was trying to learn rocket science now, I would make a ton of mistakes before I got it right.

Parent Review Update

Tonight we had our first review meeting with the twins’ teachers to discuss their progress, and they advised us that we have nothing to worry about, which made me feel so much at ease. I have to relax and let them be. I got a few strategies on how to work with them, and I will implement them soon. I like the genuine interest the teachers display in their growth and development. 

Identifying which objects start with Letters J, A or H

In Conclusion

So if I am to assess Virtual Kindergarten: What We Expected vs What we Are Getting, I’d have to say we are getting a great deal. So here’s to a few more months of the longest three-hour days. Here’s to saying, “listen to the teacher, put away your toys, get back to class; where is your sister hiding?” for a bit longer. My new approach is to let it be, they are running their race at their own pace, and they have the best teachers in the world to guide them as they navigate. To all the teachers that are assisting us virtually, we thank you for your service. To all the parents in the same boat, our children are rock stars. They are handling this new situation with resilience and tenacity. Above all, here’s to me approaching each day with patience and enjoying the process.

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12 Replies to “Virtual Kindergarten: What We Expected vs What We Are Getting”

  1. What a wonderful post and hope all of the kiddos get to go back to in classroom learning as it is just not the same and the mot important aspect for me of school…. was the socialization and that they do not get virtually.

  2. It is so interesting to read how children are currently able to do online schooling. It’s not something I ever through young ones could do, but it sounds like yours have taken to it!

    1. My 4th and 5th graders are good at it. The kindergartners struggle with it. I have to sit with them all day, and it is beyond time-consuming. I think they will do much better in a school setting, but it is the best we can do for now.

  3. Awesome, give me some tips for the reluctant teenager, I have one by me who is always making excuses about not getting into classes.

    1. Lolol, I haven’t tread into the teenage waters as yet. It’s new territory for me. Getting into the class is non-negotiable and if she refuses, take away her phone, that should work lol.

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