
This was my first blog post ever written. I just stumbled on it and decided to share. How things have changed since the beginning of the pandemic. I seriously expected it to be over by now. I guess I just have to continue to be patient and follow the rules.

The Start of the Pandemic

When the pandemic started Brent was away on business in Guyana. I started following the COVID outbreak in December 2019. I was not afraid of anything because it was miles away in China. I guess that was just me being naive or trying to shield myself from anxiety. The numbers started to climb in January, and I was like ok they are in isolation, we are safe. I was certain it would not hit our borders.


The year 2020 was supposed to be our breakout year. We had planned to return home to Guyana in time for the children to start school in September. We had researched schools and shortlisted a few and were just rearing to go. Brent and I continued to monitor the steady increase in numbers, and he started to wrap business up on his end while I started buying dry goods in the event of what seemed like an imminent shutdown. I was nervous about him getting home in time because I knew it would be hard, not impossible, to try to be a mother, teacher, playdate partner, and video game challenger for the kids. He made it back home on what seemed to be the last plane out. It was good to have him home; I was relieved, and the kids were over the moon.


Every day seems like Groundhog Day but that is ok because we are together. When we are together, I feel like I can achieve anything. There is just completeness. The pandemic different foster our bond it just solidified it. We are parents of four little blessings. 


Our son, Eli, who is the eldest, is 9 years old. He is super smart and has a beautiful mind. He over analyses everything, quite like his dad. He is the child that thinks about wind velocity and such things, like really, wind velocity? Our second eldest is 7-year-old Anayah. She is sassy and one of the most loving people you will ever meet. She can win any argument and has an ability to learn anything after the first time that is was taught. Then we have our fraternal twins, Shiloh and Zarah. They are 2 years old, soon to be 3. They are a handful and very quick. They say words like exhausted, annoying and disgusting.


It gets quite challenging to keep them occupied, especially the twins. The two older ones still have online school, so they are mostly occupied during the day. Shiloh, the older of the twins, requires a lot of hands-on play, so the TV does not keep her occupied after about half an hour, thank goodness we have our backyard, it is our saving grace. So, on days when we have sunlight, we spend the day on the deck. Everything is done out there, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If it is a school day, even schoolwork. 


To keep boredom away during this period we had to be creative, so we taught them games from our childhood, like hopscotch. We played board games, I am almost always the winner in Scrabble and Monopoly. My husband will tell you a different story. We rode bikes, we pitched our tent and took naps. We planted herbs and veggies. We are particularly excited to start cooking food from our garden. The twins love to dig for worms. They enjoy the outdoors. Every morning when they wake, they say, “outside mommy, outside.” Our main objective at this point is to survive this pandemic so naturally, we are following the rules, we have so much planned, and with God’s blessings, every goal will be realized. Our mantra is where there is change, there is an opportunity and we are looking at coming out of this pandemic with bigger, brighter ideas.


What is happening in the world is terrible, but it is just history repeating itself, it will pass. It must pass. We are just hoping it passes soon. In the meantime, we will continue to enjoy each other’s company, watch TV, read and learn to sing every song on the Cocomelon Show.


I am now a chef of sorts now that I was not before but now, I am trying new things. I am enjoying our mealtimes together, I am now a good bread maker, I can make a mean cornbread and egg and mushroom rolls (thanks Nadiya Hussain @nadiyajhussain). We had to learn to keep the kids interested in their meals since we are not buying any takeout, we do not want to take the risk. So fried chicken is now done by me, I am attempting my first pizza this week, beef and broccoli, lettuce wraps, homemade tortillas, and the long list continues. I bake almost every day and thank goodness for low-carb options, I have not gained a single pound. Strange enough, cooking has become my escape. 

Having every meal as a family is what we enjoy the most, just listening to the children tell their versions of stories over and over again, we are getting a chance to learn about ourselves and our creations. 


So here we are one year into the Pandemic and various versions of lockdowns and it has been hard. There seems to be no end in sight but we are still doing our part by keeping ourselves safe and staying indoors, unless we absolutely have to go outside. With warmer weather on the horizon, I see more fun outdoor activities in our future.

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