The chorus of tropical birds awakened me. I could quickly identify the kiskadee and house wren, I have no idea what the others were, but the music was beautiful. It feels good to be at my parents’ home; it is therapeutic. There is something about my mom’s cotton sheets, the smell, the feel, just so comfortable. The birds are still going at it; it sounds as if the woodwind family has just joined the orchestra.

Home Sweet Home: Going Home After Three Years

Our trip home was scheduled for June, but Brent decided we should pull it forward to March to tie in with the March Break vacation that the kids typically have in March. The kids’ school is online now, so they can attend classes virtually anywhere in the world. After the March Break period is over, they will have the pleasure of working from Guyana.

Home Sweet Home: Going Home After Three Years

Surprise, We’re Home

My parents had no idea we had changed our plans from June to March. What a pleasant surprise it was for them. My dad stood there just frozen in complete disbelief that he could hold us. We video chat frequently, but it’s not the same. When I talk with my mom, she stresses how much she misses the kids and wants to see them, and now here they are. She is overjoyed. Before COVID, my mom used to visit us every year In Canada. It is important to her to have a relationship with each of her grandchildren.

The Kids Are Here for the Drinks lol

It’s 7 am, and I am up doing this piece and planning my day. The kids are fast asleep as they should be; they are on vacation. There are a few touristy things we want to get done while here. I did a few things when I lived here but not that much. I want to see as much as I can in the short time we have; most importantly, I want the children to enjoy Guyana. They love Guyana and not for the touristy things but for the company of their grandparents and the lime beverage (commonly called swank) that my dad makes. The minute they heard we were coming, they started asking if granddad would make swank.

Cherish Your Parents

Seeing my parents was a huge mix of emotions. They are getting older; I need to cherish every interaction with them. I see how much they have aged; their steps are slower, their movements are more calculated. I remember how briskly they used to walk and talk. I think I understand why grandparents are so easy on grandchildren. They have walked this way before, and they know not to stress the small stuff. Last night, I saw my mom giving in easily to the children’s demands, and I stepped in like an iron fist. I guess I will be the same way with my grandchildren.

Home Sweet Home

This trip home was needed. The stresses of life were starting to become physical for me. A knot was beginning to form in my neck every day, the doctor recommended massage therapy, but deep down, I knew I needed coconut water straight from the shell and a good dose of the Atlantic breeze. Shiloh’s up now, time to get the day started. I just heard a rooster crow; he’s awfully late lol. He completely missed his timeslot. Maybe, he’s on vacation too and refuses to be bound by time.

Home Sweet Home: Going Home After Three Years
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11 Replies to “Home Sweet Home: Going Home After Three Years”

  1. Just beautiful, loved it❤️ Enjoy the stay, time unfortunately (as “they” say) waits for no woman, okay, man either.

    1. Awww thank you. We are enjoying every second and Mr. Time is doing his thing and marching on smartly.

  2. Beautifully written, was awesome that me and my family actually met you on the Essequibo trip. Your kids are adorable, our Vanna wanted to be their “best friend” (laugh).

    Stay blessed.

    1. Thank you, Vanna is so adorable too. It was great to see you guys. The twins wanted to be her best friend just as much.

  3. Lovely. Have the most relaxing time hun. Everybody needs a break. I remember when I went on vacation to the US last October. Was a bit scared because of Covid. But when I tell you my hubby and I just needed to take a break. We did.

    It was the best vacation we took in years I dare say better than the honeymoon ?. It was the most relaxing. We did the most site seeing, whilst trying to eat healthy ?
    And boom you know the result.

    But putting that all aside. We all need to come apart from regular life and just enjoy life especially with family. So have a blast. Do all you plan to do. Blessings.

    1. Thank you. It was great seeing you on the trip. We had a blast and got to do everything except ride a horse cart lolol.

  4. I thought you were Jamaica ?? . Guyana ?? is on my bucket list of caribbean destinations to visit. Glad you and the family were able to visit your parents back home. There is no place like home.

    1. 100% GT here, but I love JA. I fell in love with JA in 1999 when I first visited. We are long overdue to return. Let me know when you plan on visiting; I can recommend a few spots for you. There is no place like home.

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