New moms may feel elated to be holding their new baby in their arms. However, they may feel exhausted at the same time. This is because new moms try to do everything for their family and still try to keep up with work at the same time.

It may seem daunting and even impossible at first, but the key to enjoying life as a mom of a newborn is finding balance. Read on to find helpful hints on how to get everything done and still enjoy the ride.

Tips for New Moms: How to Balance Work and Your Baby

1 – Make a Family Calendar

It is good to create a calendar, whether a computer file or just on a paper or whiteboard. This calendar should include the schedules of everyone in your family; yours, your partner’s, and the schedule of your older kids. This will allow you to find specific times during the week where everybody can just hang out as a family. 

2 – Find a Good Caregiver

If you feel that you need an extra pair of hands, even just on certain parts of the day, finding a reliable caregiver to help you take care of your kids while working will do wonders for you. 

3 – Ask for Help When You Need It

In the same way, if you do not feel comfortable hiring a caregiver, asking for help from the other people in your household is a good idea. Remember that there is nothing wrong with asking for help, especially when you need it. The proper division of labour is the key. 

4 – Put Your Baby on a Sleep Schedule

One particular challenge that new moms have is when their babies stay awake through the night. This will prevent new mothers from getting enough sleep to get through the next day. While it is inevitable for this to happen for the first few weeks after the baby is born, putting your baby on a sleep schedule will allow you to anticipate when he will get sleepy so you can do some work, get some sleep or catch up on household tasks while they sleep.

5 – Snuggle with Your Kids

Lastly, it is essential (for you and your kids) that you sneak in some snuggle time with them. Even if you are busy and stressed out with your job, getting a simple hug from your kids or kissing your baby will help recharge your spirit to keep going and get everything done.


The key to making sure you are successful is to stay focused on your goals and the immediate tasks at hand. Keeping focus will help you ensure that you can stick to your schedule and still have time to spend with your baby, older kids, and your partner. Remember that being a new mom is tiring, but it is also one of the most fulfilling times of your life. When your baby grows up, you may find yourself looking back lovingly at this exact time of your life and wish that your babies were still tiny. This is why you need to find a balance and enjoy it while you can, mommy. 

Many moms have felt the same way as you. Read the Lohrah Twins blog, read about similar experiences, and get better insight into handling your situation! This is the Blog of Malaika, a mom of 4 children. Two of her four children are twins. This website is dedicated to them. Read more about how to balance work and family!

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